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Mother’s Day Trip

Saying thank you on the rails

Treat your mother to a delicious three-course meal in the Gourmino dining car and enjoy time with the whole family. 

Invite your mother to take part in a culinary journey and enjoy a fantastic three-course meal in the cosy Gourmino dining car. A wonderful way to say thank you!


  • Sunday, 11 May 2025 - fully booked


Route: Chur – St. Moritz

Aperitif: Graubünden sparkling wine Oven-warm cheesecakes


Starter: Colourful spring salad


Main course: Veal steak with mountain herb jus, potato and beetroot purée, butter carrots Vegetarian option: Ravioli with sage/nut butter and grated local mountain cheese

Route: St. Moritz – Chur

Dessert: Raspberry and quark dessert in a glass


1 coffee or tea

Subject to change


Trip including 3-course menu with aperitif and coffee, excluding other drinks

AdultsCHF 146.00
Children (11-15.99 years)CHF 120.00
Children (up to 10.99 years)CHF 78.00


Chur (platform 10)dep. 11.58
St. Moritzarr. 143.53
St. Moritzdep. 15.07
Churarr. 17.04

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Graubünden gourmet trip

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